About – Grief Coaching

Hi, I’m Kelly.


Firstly, I’m so sorry for your loss and the pain you are suffering. Losing those you love or the things most important to you can cause unbearable pain. 

I have worked with people for over thirty years, I am no stranger to the unwelcome guest of grief and loss. Throughout my nursing career, I have supported patients and their families through some of their most challenging times. My coaching clients have taught me as much, if not more, than I have taught them and I feel so privileged to be able to ease their pain.

I have navigated my way through my own losses, we all have to as loss is a part of life, but I won’t pretend it was easy. It has been challenging, however, I’m still standing and determined to help people move forward. There is no right or wrong, no average timeline, no ‘stages’ of grief and nothing you “should” or “shouldn’t” do but, there are actionable steps you can take on my programme that help you move towards embracing your new reality and writing your next chapter.

The reason I started to train in supporting people with grief was when a close friend lost their husband, I realised that the usual clichés spoken around grief often made them feel worse, and I felt helpless in providing the support needed. Determined to find a way to help, I embarked on a journey to combine my clinical healthcare skills with specialised training in grief coaching. After completing two comprehensive training programmes, to advanced level, I developed a unique grief coaching programme designed to help those grieving, after any loss, to find a path forward.

My grief coaching programme cannot take away your loss, I wish it could, but it can help you navigate through your grief and find a way forward. I promise to support you and help you through.


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